NMEA Parser

The NMEA parser will decode any NMEA protocol message (official or not) and will allow you to create custom NMEA messages.


The NMEA_parser class supports NMEA messages up to 120 characters


class NMEA_parser(cb=None, split_payload=False, verbose=0)

The NMEA_parser class needs to be initialized with the following parameters:

Parameter name




Any function.
Default value is None.

Callback function to be called when a
NMEA message is parsed.
Callback function argument is a variable
containing the NMEA message fields in an array.


True, False.
Default value is False.

If True, splits the message payload and returns
a list where each element is a NMEA field.


0, 1, default value is 0

If set to 1 parser will print in the terminal a
CRC failed message if the parsed message
is not valid

Class Attributes:

payload: NMEA message payload from which the CRC is calculated.
This is the complete NMEA message contained between the $ and * characters (excluded).


Parse NMEA message


buf: Variable containing one or many NMEA messages. This variable may contain messages in other procotols, which will be ignored by the NMEA parser.


Array of NMEA messages contained in buf.

Example to parse a string with mixed NMEA and non-NMEA messages:
>>> import sbc
>>> nmea = sbc.NMEA_parser()
>>> buf = b'$GPGGA,172814.0,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,2,6,1.2,18.893,M,-25.669,M,2.0,0031*4F'
>>> buf = buf + b'This is not a NMEA message'
>>> buf = buf + b'$GPGST,172814.0,0.006,0.023,0.020,273.6,0.023,0.020,0.031*6A'
>>> msg = nmea.parse(buf)
>>> print(msg)
['GPGGA,172814.0,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,2,6,1.2,18.893,M,-25.669,M,2.0,0031', 'GPGST,172814.0,0.006,0.023,0.020,273.6,0.023,0.020,0.031']
>>> print(msg[0])
>>> nmea = sbc.NMEA_parser(split_payload = True)
>>> msg = nmea.parse(buf)
>>> print(msg)
[['GPGGA', '172814.0', '3723.46587704', 'N', '12202.26957864', 'W', '2', '6', '1.2', '18.893', 'M', '-25.669', 'M', '2.0', '0031'], ['GPGST', '172814.0', '0.006', '0.023', '0.020', '273.6', '0.023', '0.020', '0.031']]
>>> print(msg[0][0],msg[1][0])
Example to use a callback function that prints GPGGA message received if a GPGGA message is received:
>>> import sbc
>>> def callback_nmea(msg):
>>>    if msg[0] == 'GPGGA':
>>>        print('GPGGA message received')
>>> nmea = sbc.NMEA_parser(cb = callback_nmea, split_payload = True)
>>> buf = b'$GPGGA,172814.0,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,2,6,1.2,18.893,M,-25.669,M,2.0,0031*4F'
>>> buf = buf + b'This is not a NMEA message'
>>> buf = buf + b'$GPGST,172814.0,0.006,0.023,0.020,273.6,0.023,0.020,0.031*6A'
>>> msg = nmea.parse(buf)  
GPGGA message received

Calculates the two checksum bytes of the NMEA message payload.


NMEA message checksum.

Example to calculate the NMEA checksum of a payload and build a NMEA message from it:
>>> import sbc
>>> nmea = sbc.NMEA_parser()
>>> nmea.payload = b'GPGGA,172814.0,3723.46587704,N,12202.26957864,W,2,6,1.2,18.893,M,-25.669,M,2.0,0031'
>>> nmea.payload_len = len(nmea.payload)
>>> print(nmea.chksum_nmea())  
>>> msg = b'$' + nmea.payload + b'*' + nmea.chksum_nmea()
>>> print(msg.decode())